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The Winifred Ward Memorial Fund, Inc. is pleased to announce the Annual Winifred Ward Scholarship, named for the pioneer of children’s theatre and creative drama in the United States. The tuition award of $10,000 will be given to a graduate student who has demonstrated intellectual and artistic excellence in the area of child drama/theatre. In addition, the candidate should indicate a professional interest in pursuing career goals consistent with the legacy of Winifred Ward.


To qualify, the student must have received a bachelor’s degree before beginning the graduate degree program. Nominees must be currently enrolled at a university with at least two semesters remaining in their graduate program. All scholarship payments are paid directly to the university.


Nomination letters (written by a faculty member conversant with the applicant’s work) must be received electronically by midnight JANUARY 15. Application materials must be received electronically by MARCH 15. This electronic Portfolio should catalog their past and current achievements in TYA, Applied Theatre, Educational Theatre, Arts Administration, Creative Drama, and other related areas.


Graduate schools may nominate up to two graduate students for this award.


Applicants will be judged on the basis of scholarship, faculty recommendations, indications of strong professional interest and growth, and successful performance in some aspect of children’s theatre or creative drama (such as directing, acting, designing, playwriting, teaching, research, etc.). A committee representing the Winifred Ward Memorial Fund, Inc. will make the final selection.


For further information regarding the Winifred Ward Scholarship, please contact:


Meriah Sage, MFA

Eastern Michigan University


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